Rick Riordan's Mythological Universe Timeline

Note: Rick Riordan clearly states that unlike Harry Potter, his books are not bound to specific years, and I respect his choice. After all, he created this world, so he gets to make these decisions. The years I use here are just to make things more clear, as it will be tougher to list out the events otherwise. The years I write are based on few of my assumptions and by keeping few clues in the books in mind. Also, I will not be listing out the events that took place within the book.
Blue for Greek/ Roman events.
Red for Egyptian events.
Orange for Norse events.
Pink for the crossover events.
Green for Notes
Halfborn Gunderson dies.
Vikings invade East Anglia, England.
Vikings invade East Anglia, England.
Helgi became the Manager of Hotel Valhalla.
Hunding became the Hotel Valhalla Bellhop.
Gunilla dies.
1840 - 1871
A Hero and a Hammer by John Henry [A Part of Hotel Valhalla: Guide to the Norse Worlds] takes place.
Greek Gods shift their base to US.
Pick Your Own by Miranda Gardiner [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Thomas Jefferson Jr. dies.
Thomas Jefferson Jr. dies.
Gleeson Hedge is born.1928
December 17: Hazel Levesque is born.
Bianca diAngelo is born.
Apollo records an orientation film Welcome to Camp Half-Blood.1930s
Nico diAngelo is born.Bianca diAngelo is born.
Hazel Levesque dies.
1950s1972 July 21: Mallory Keen dies; Known as Bloody Friday.
Grover Underwood is born.1992
Luke Castellan is born.1994
December 22: Thalia Grace is born.1997
Charles Beckendorf is born.Blitzen is born.
Octavian is born.
July 12: Annabeth Chase is born.
August 18: Percy Jackson is born.
Frank Zhang is born.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare is born.
Carter Kane is born.
July 1: Jason Grace is born.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare is born.
Carter Kane is born.
July 1: Jason Grace is born.
Piper McLean is born.
Leo Valdez is born.
Samirah Al-Abbas is born.
Alex Fierro is born.
January 13: Magnus Chase is born.
Leo Valdez is born.
Samirah Al-Abbas is born.
Alex Fierro is born.
January 13: Magnus Chase is born.
Sadie Kane is born.2005
November 24: Chase family met for Thanksgiving at Uncle Randolph's house.
Annabeth ran away from home.The Diary of Luke Castellan [Short story in The Demigod Diaries] takes place.
June - August: The Lightning Thief takes place.
June: The Sea of Monsters takes place.
December 15 - December 21: The Titan's Curse takes place.
June to August 18: The Battle of the Labyrinth takes place.
December 24 to December 29: The Red Pyramid takes place.
2014 - 2015
Between August 2014 & August 2015:
The Bronze Dragon [Short story in The Demigod Files] takes place.
The Stolen Chariot [Short story in The Demigod Files] takes place.
The Sword of Hades [Short story in The Demigod Files] takes place.
The Bronze Dragon [Short story in The Demigod Files] takes place.
The Stolen Chariot [Short story in The Demigod Files] takes place.
The Sword of Hades [Short story in The Demigod Files] takes place.
Natalie Chase is killed by wolves.
Samirah Al-Abbas became a Valkyrie.
Samirah Al-Abbas became a Valkyrie.
March: The Throne of Fire takes place.
August 11 - August 18: The Last Olympian takes place.
August 18: A Case of PPSS by Rachel Elizabeth Dare [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
August 18: A Case of PPSS by Rachel Elizabeth Dare [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
September: The Serpent's Shadow takes place.
September 18: The Staff of Hermes [Short story in The Demigod Diaries] takes place.
Between Late August & November:
The Singer of Apollo [Short story in Guys Read: Other Worlds, or available at the end of The Hammer of Thor UK Version.] takes place.
Space Could be an Issue by Annabeth Chase [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
The Singer of Apollo [Short story in Guys Read: Other Worlds, or available at the end of The Hammer of Thor UK Version.] takes place.
Space Could be an Issue by Annabeth Chase [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Hera abducted Percy & Jason.
The Lost Hero takes place.
The Quest for Buford [Short Story in The Demigod Diaries, or available at the end of The Dark Prophecy UK Version] takes place.
Hera abducted Percy & Jason.
The Lost Hero takes place.
The Quest for Buford [Short Story in The Demigod Diaries, or available at the end of The Dark Prophecy UK Version] takes place.
2015 - 2016
Between Late December 2015 & Early January 2016: Thanatos was kidnapped and taken to Alaska.
My Sit-Down With Odin by Snorri Sturluson [A Part of Hotel Valhalla: Guide to the Norse Worlds] takes place.
My Chat with Freya by Snorri Sturluson [A Part of Hotel Valhalla: Guide to the Norse Worlds] takes place.
Guess Who? by Snorri Sturluson [A Part of Hotel Valhalla: Guide to the Norse Worlds] takes place.
March: The Son of Magic [Short story in The Demigod Diaries written by Rick Riordan's son, Haley Riordan] takes place.
My Chat with Freya by Snorri Sturluson [A Part of Hotel Valhalla: Guide to the Norse Worlds] takes place.
Guess Who? by Snorri Sturluson [A Part of Hotel Valhalla: Guide to the Norse Worlds] takes place.
March: The Son of Magic [Short story in The Demigod Diaries written by Rick Riordan's son, Haley Riordan] takes place.
Between April & Early June: Annabeth meets Minerva.
June 18* - June 24*: The Son of Neptune takes place.
June 25* - July 1: The Mark of Athena takes place.
July 10 - July 18*: The House of Hades takes place.
July 25 - August 1: The Blood of Olympus takes place.
Between August & December:
Movie Night by Percy Jackson [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Tongs a lot, Dad by Connor Stoll [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Taking Inventory by Valentina Diaz [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
A Peplos for Athena by Malcolm Pace [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
The Ares Peacetime Challenge by Ellis Wakefield [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Number 130 in Bunker Nine by Nyssa Barrera [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Live and Learn . . . So You can keep Living by Woodrow the Satyr [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Between August & December:
Movie Night by Percy Jackson [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Tongs a lot, Dad by Connor Stoll [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Taking Inventory by Valentina Diaz [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
A Peplos for Athena by Malcolm Pace [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
The Ares Peacetime Challenge by Ellis Wakefield [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Number 130 in Bunker Nine by Nyssa Barrera [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
Live and Learn . . . So You can keep Living by Woodrow the Satyr [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
September: The Son of Sobek takes place.
October: The Staff of Serapis takes place.
November: The Crown of Ptolemy takes place.
January 13 - January 21: The Sword of Summer takes place.
February: The Hidden Oracle takes place.
March: The Hammer of Thor takes place.
Late March - April: The Dark Prophecy takes place.
May - June: The Burning Maze takes place.
June: The Ship of the Dead takes place.
Late March - April: The Dark Prophecy takes place.
May - June: The Burning Maze takes place.
June: The Ship of the Dead takes place.
On the outside looking in A Conversation via Videoconference with Sally Jackson and Frederick Chase by Thalia Grace and Leo Valdez [A Part of Camp Half-Blood Confidential] takes place.
* These are made up dates to make the timeline easier to understand.
The Following do not follow any timeline, thus have not been listed.
The Following do not follow any timeline, thus have not been listed.
- The Ultimate Guide
- The Survival Guide
- Demigods & Monsters
- Hotel Valhalla: A Guide to the Norse Worlds [Except few events mentioned in the timeline.]
- Camp Half-Blood: Confidential [Except few events mentioned in the timeline.]
So, that's all about the timeline of Rick Riordan books. Again I remind, the years are only for making it easier to understand. Rick Riordan has asked not to bound his books to any year. I'll update it with any new info we get or whenever a new book releases. You're free to refer it when you re-read the franchise or while reading these for the first time. I hope this helped you. If you have any query or if I'm forgetting something, please let me know in the comment section.