Delhi Pollution
If you've set a foot in Delhi in the past one week, then you would be aware how bad the situation is here. Since Diwali, the pollution level in the city is has been having a positive slope. You probably woke up early morning, to jog and reduce the weight you gained by eating the delicious Diwali sweets. By seeing fog outside the window, it must've given you more spirit. But when you actually breathed that what-should've-been-fresh-air, it wouldn't taken much time to realise what the crackers have resulted in.
Th heterogenous mixture of Smoke & Fog, or Smog, is a quite dangerous for everyone's health. The smoke which should've been risen up in the air mixes with the fog during the climate change and settles down for the season. This happened last year, and Delhi remained the most polluted city, and its happening again. This smog won't let you breathe. It would make your eyes burn. It will effect you in many other ways. Learn the lesson, people! Are all these troubles worth the bomb that exploded within a second?
Crackers aren't the only reason of this suffocating & killing pollution. A lot of crops were burnt recently in Punjab & Haryana, and a lot of smoke from there settled in NCR area. Industries & Loads of Vehicles, like always are contributing to make the city unfit for living a healthy lives. Its being said that breathing in certain areas in Delhi like Anand Vihar, Punjabi Bagh is equal to smoking 4 cigarettes. Think what effect it will have on the young kids & Asthma patients.
Delhi Pollution reached 15 times the permissible level on 5th November. Anand Vihar, a place thousands people visit on a daily basis has been ranked the most polluted area of the world. According to Environmentalists Delhi is facing an emergency situation and some act must be taken immediately.
If not this alarming level, then I don't know what will make you realise that we shall not burst crackers next Diwali. Or any Diwali. Let's celebrate the festival with happiness, and let it not be followed with troubles.
What steps should we take?
1. If there are senior citizens, young children or asthma patients in your house, buy an air purifier now. It's important to make them breathe fresh air, so that their health is not affected.
2. Try not to do any outdoor activity. Try to stay in home as much as you can. Don't let children go outside. When you're out, do cover your mouth with a cloth or a mask and wear glasses to protect your eyes.
3. Try your best not to use diesel cars or diesel generators till the air is clean again. Prefer CNG cars or carpooling.
4. Try to use Public Transport & Metro while travelling if it is possible.
5. Try to walk or cycle to nearby destinations. It will be slower, but it will surely contribute to save the environment.
6. Wash the floor with wet cloth and sprinkle some water on roads near your house.
7. Whatever happens, do not burst crackers anymore.
8. Aware others! Awareness is very important for the pollution to reduce.
Guys, stay safe from the pollution and please contribute towards the environment and your own health!
Th heterogenous mixture of Smoke & Fog, or Smog, is a quite dangerous for everyone's health. The smoke which should've been risen up in the air mixes with the fog during the climate change and settles down for the season. This happened last year, and Delhi remained the most polluted city, and its happening again. This smog won't let you breathe. It would make your eyes burn. It will effect you in many other ways. Learn the lesson, people! Are all these troubles worth the bomb that exploded within a second?
Crackers aren't the only reason of this suffocating & killing pollution. A lot of crops were burnt recently in Punjab & Haryana, and a lot of smoke from there settled in NCR area. Industries & Loads of Vehicles, like always are contributing to make the city unfit for living a healthy lives. Its being said that breathing in certain areas in Delhi like Anand Vihar, Punjabi Bagh is equal to smoking 4 cigarettes. Think what effect it will have on the young kids & Asthma patients.
Delhi Pollution reached 15 times the permissible level on 5th November. Anand Vihar, a place thousands people visit on a daily basis has been ranked the most polluted area of the world. According to Environmentalists Delhi is facing an emergency situation and some act must be taken immediately.
How does this pollution affect us & our daily lives?
1. According to doctors, this polution can lead to Lung Cancer, Throat Cancer, Blood Cancer and many other chronic diseases.
2. You don't get fresh air to breathe, and every time you inhale, a lot of dust particles find their way to the lungs. You'll soon start feeling suffocated, even when you're out.
3. The high amount of smog is resulting in zero-visibility making it insanely difficult to drive.
4. The Dust Particles enter your eyes making them burn. Even the helmet doesn't help while you are on a two wheeler.
5. Even Animals face a tough time because of the high amount of pollutants in air.
Let's talk what steps our Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal has taken.1. According to doctors, this polution can lead to Lung Cancer, Throat Cancer, Blood Cancer and many other chronic diseases.
2. You don't get fresh air to breathe, and every time you inhale, a lot of dust particles find their way to the lungs. You'll soon start feeling suffocated, even when you're out.
3. The high amount of smog is resulting in zero-visibility making it insanely difficult to drive.
4. The Dust Particles enter your eyes making them burn. Even the helmet doesn't help while you are on a two wheeler.
5. Even Animals face a tough time because of the high amount of pollutants in air.
1. All the schools have been shut down for 3 days so that the children are not affected. Dear Sir, We live in the same city. Jitna pollution school me hoga, utna hi ghar par hai. You should've just asked the schools to stop the outdoor activities for few days instead and should've been shut just for the primary & middle students.
2. No construction work will take place for 10 days. Well, construction didn't add much to the pollution, but each drop makes the ocean, so okay, fine.
3. Banning Diesel Generators. Great Step. I would say, they should be banned in local commercial shops or residential uses throughout the year, unless their power usage is genuinely too high. Supplying power to colonies which use diesel generators. Do this whole year, please?
4. Badarpur power plant and few other industries shut down for a few days. This will help for sure.
5. Launching an app by the environmental department to monitor the changes. Okay, doesn't help much I believe.
6. Vacuum Cleaning of roads. This is an amazing idea. The government should try to carry it out every month,
7. Water Sprinkling to raise the moisture content. Yep, do it fast!
I'm so glad he didn't announce the non-sensible Odd-Even formula. It just doesn't work. Also, his ideas seem are much better than what he planned last year.
What steps should we take?
1. If there are senior citizens, young children or asthma patients in your house, buy an air purifier now. It's important to make them breathe fresh air, so that their health is not affected.
2. Try not to do any outdoor activity. Try to stay in home as much as you can. Don't let children go outside. When you're out, do cover your mouth with a cloth or a mask and wear glasses to protect your eyes.
3. Try your best not to use diesel cars or diesel generators till the air is clean again. Prefer CNG cars or carpooling.
4. Try to use Public Transport & Metro while travelling if it is possible.
5. Try to walk or cycle to nearby destinations. It will be slower, but it will surely contribute to save the environment.
6. Wash the floor with wet cloth and sprinkle some water on roads near your house.
7. Whatever happens, do not burst crackers anymore.
8. Aware others! Awareness is very important for the pollution to reduce.
Guys, stay safe from the pollution and please contribute towards the environment and your own health!