The Big Bang Love

23rd December, 2017. I started watching The Big Bang Theory. I wanted to keep myself off of shows with so many seasons, but somehow the Pictionary video, which was viral on all social media platforms, made me connect to the show in some way I can't really describe. I had never felt such a kind of connection with anything ever. Maybe it was the Science theme. Maybe it was the nerd guys theme. Maybe it was the single guys theme. I don't know, I still don't. But, when I started the very first episode, I knew it has some magic which no other show can ever have. I promised myself, that these 10 seasons, and the ongoing 11th, I won't finish in less than an year. I'm in 11th, and I must concentrate on studying. However, soon enough, I became addicted to the show, yet in a non addicting way. I finished the first 10 seasons on 23rd Feb, 2018, yet I knew I didn't sacrifice a minute of my study time to watch it. Infact, it helped me to concentrate better. December had been a really shitty month for me, and I was too distracted to concentrate. This show, it helped me refocus myself. During the winter vacations, I woke up late everyday. And each day, before running off to coaching I tried to squeeze in one episode. I came back from coaching, this helped me as a breather. Done for the day? Let's watch an episode, and sleep. People told me, that the show loses its charm, as it reaches the 6th or 7th season. I was ready for it. But, for me, the show only got better. As the characters developed, story arcs grew, I only fell in love with all of them deeper and deeper. At this point, I can't pin point one character who's my favourite. I can't pin point one episode which is my favourite. Because, it's a journey, which I loved every second of. Last week, I started Season 11 after the finale aired. And, on 23rd May, ie today, I finished it too. As I saw Amy and Sheldon getting married, I couldn't help but cry with tears of joy.
If, somehow, any of the person involved with Big Bang Theory team comes across this link, I just want to tell you that this show, is very very important to me. The way it has helped me gain control of myself, the way it helped me realise my inner self, the way it beautifully showed the journey of 4 guys over this long time, is something which couldn't be done better. I wouldn't hesitate in saying that this show is what Professor Proton was for Sheldon, maybe even more!